Laboratory and Governance (DCS)

The Law and Social Change (DCS) laboratory (The DCS Laboratory) was founded in 1982 and quickly became a CNRS-affiliated unit...
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Our laboratory analyses the role of laws and judgments in changes of contemporary society.

Laws and judgments are perceived as all-encompassing socio-legal phenomena that are products of the values of a society and the conflicts within it, and also significant factors in societal changes. The DCS Laboratory seeks to co-ordinate both internal (legal research) and external (research about laws) perspectives. Today, laws and judgments have become part of many different societal spaces, from the local to the global, and The DCS Laboratory has supported studies of laws and judgments at local, European and national levels.

The DCS Laboratory’s approach seeks to combine three dimensions of legal analysis: (i) rules and their enforcement, (ii) the coherence of the full range of laws in the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, or ‘”the dialogue between laws”, which allows us to identify common dynamics, emerging common themes and suitable anayltical frameworks, and (iii) legal foundations and the impacts of laws on society, via an interdisciplinary approach drawing on other related disciplines (sociology, history, philosophy and political science).

Composition of the Laboratory

The DCS Laboratory’s staff includes the Director, the Assistant Director, the Laboratory Council and the Administrative Team.
The Research Unit includes PhD students, University Lecturer-Researchers, CNRS researchers and CNRS technical support engineers.



The DCS Laboratory is under the supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
As a Joint Research Unit, the DCS laboratory is subject to evaluation by the High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES).

The DCS Laboratory has adopted Internal rules of procedure governing its organisation and operation.
The Director of the laboratory is Franck Héas. He is assisted by the Assistant Director, Sonia Desmoulin.
The Laboratory Council is the main advisory body and it is very closely involved in the management of the Laboratory.

Led by the Laboratory Administrator, Anne-Claire Covain, the administrative team is composed of three managers: Yannick Le Gressus, Milly Gobin and Cindy Martin, who ensure the administrative and financial management of the laboratory and provide logistical support.

The Laboratory’s two CNRS technical support engineers, Katia Barragan and Stéphanie Morandeau, support the evaluation and dissemination of its research and prepare dossiers for funding applications to the ANR (French National Research Agency) and European and international research programmes.

Mis à jour le 18 novembre 2024.