Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral thesis defended since 2016…


  • CHATEAU Jean-Sébastien - Le patrimoine culturel immatériel au défi du droit français- Avis de soutenance - Thèse en Droit public, soutenue le 08 décembre 2021, sous la direction de Mylène Le Roux et Agathe Van Lang
  • SEILER Louise - Le Parquet européen : vers une justice pénale fédérale- Avis de soutenance - Thèse en Droit public, soutenue le 03 décembre 2021, sous la direction de Joël Boudant
  • MARANI François -Recherche sur la notion de pouvoir de suffrage et son application au droit constitutionnel français- Avis de soutenance - Thèse en Droit public, soutenue le 29 novembre 2021, sous la direction de Bertrand Faure et Éveillard Gweltaz
  • DEMONFORT Nelly -L’influence du droit européen sur l’organisation politique et administrative des États et de leurs entités infra-étatiques - Avis de soutenance 
    Thèse en Droit public, soutenue le 11 octobre 2021, sous la direction de Renan Lemestre et Jacques Fialaire
  • DESGREE Aurélien - L’inertie de l’administration - Avis de soutenance 
    Thèse en Droit public, soutenue le 14 juin 2021, sous la direction d' Agathe Van Lang
  • RANGEL PEREZ Johanna - La minorité en droit pénal - étude comparative des systèmes pénaux français et colombiens - Avis de soutenance 
    Thèse en Droit privé, soutenue le 14 juin 2021, sous la direction de François Rousseau
  • BLONZ Dominique - Social labour law in Morocco : the French Protectorate’s equivocal project (1912-1956) - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Histoire du droit', defended on 30-04-2021, under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Le Crom
  • BAUDEL Marie - International law and mental health - Abes plug
    Thesis project in ‘Droit public’, defended on 15-04-2021, under the supervision of Éric Mondielli
  • PINEAU Marion - The political virtues of ONIAM : the Justice Agency Process - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Science politique', defended on 28-01-2021, under the supervision of Arnauld LECLERC & Renaud EPSTEIN


  • LOHOU Quentin - L’évolution du droit des relations du travail des agents non-titulaires de l’État - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Histoire du droit et des institutions', defended on 27-11-2020, under the supervision of Jean-Pierre LE CROM
  • HEIMPEL Daniela - Teaching about Europe?: challenges, potential and limits of European citizenship education - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Droit et sciences politiques', defended on 28-08-2020, under the supervision of Arnauld LECLERC, Jean-Marc FERRY and Magdalena DEMBINSKA
    This is a thesis carried out in joint supervision with Canada
  • KHURSHID Ragaz Jalal - The organization of territorial entities in Iraq : between dualism of federal and decentralized system - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Droit public', defended on 08-06-2020, under the supervision of Renan LE MESTRE
  • FALL Moustapha - African courts of justice and integration - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Droit public', defended on 05-06-2020, under the supervision of Jean Christophe BARBATO & M. Alioune SALL


  • CHECHETTO SALLES Marta - The action of the European Union for the Abolition of the Death penalty in the wold - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Droit public', defended on 04-12-2019, under the supervision of Éric MONDIELLI
  • DAVASE Alexandra - The European legal framework for bioaccumulative substances of industrial origin. Public regulation based on compromise - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Droit public', defended on 29-11-2019, under the supervision of Joël BOUDANT & Francelyne MARINO
  • ZACHARA Johanne - Paternal power in the nineteenth century - Abes plug
    Thesis project in 'Histoire du droit et des institutions', defended on 14-11-2019, under the supervision of Grégoire BIGOT
  • TOUIJER Kawtar - The legal construction of reasonable consumer in the Europe Union - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit et sciences politiques', defended on 25-10-2019, under the supervision of Rafael ENCINAS DE MUNAGORRI
  • AHMED Shaho Ghafur - The role of the federal Constitutional Court in the protection of constitutional justice - The Case of Iraq, Belgium and Switzerland - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 25-10-2019, under the supervision of Bertrand FAURE
  • ROUSSEAU Pierre - The legitimacy of the infringement - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit et science politique', defended on 22-10-2019, François ROUSSEAU
  • LECOURTOIS Luce - The lex Ribuaria. Study on the phenomenon of standarization of law in Caolingian era - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Histoire du droit', defended on 21-10-2019, under the supervision of Alexandre JEANNIN & Grégoire BIGOT
  • LECORDIER Didier - The intermittents of the disease : sociological analysis of the experience life of people with chronic illness - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Sociologie', defended on 21-10-2019, under the supervision of Anne-Chantal HARDY
  • DEBRAY Aurélien - Public financial competence - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 21-10-2019, under the supervision of Henry-Michel CRUCIS et Gweltaz EVEILLARD
  • BAEPAR Angélique - Priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality (QPC) and public persons  - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 4-10-2019, under the supervision of Bertrand FAURE
  • ZIDANI Saleh, Obedience of civils servants and Responsibility of Leaders during the 2011 Libyan Revolution: contribution to the emergence of a State of law in Libya in the light of French law - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 19-09-2019, under the supervision of Henry-Michel CRUCIS
  • FOROUGHI NIK Rahim, A Contribution to the utilitarian approach to punishment : from effective punishment to efficient punishment - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 9-09-2019, under the supervision of Yvon LE GALL & Dominique GAURIER
  • CHEIKH YOUNES Ahmad,  Towards a new Law for Agricultural Tenancies in Syria : comparative Approach Syria/France - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 7-05-2019, under the supervision of Luc BODIGUEL


  • CHATEAU-GRINE Manon, The motivation of the administrative judge’s judgements - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 3-12-2018, under the supervision of Agathe VAN LANG
  • AL SARA Yassine, Deprivation of individual freedom before or "without" criminal conviction: comparative Law Study - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 3-12-2018, under the supervision of François ROUSSEAU
  • BAUMANN Paul, The Right to a Healthy Environment within the meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights Law - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 16-11-2018, under the supervision of Éric MONDIELLI
  • AUDRAIN-DEMEY Gaëlle, Pollution des sols et droit de propriété - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 9-11-2018, under the supervision of Raphaël ROMI
  • DESGRE Steve, Another loot at the history of social protection in France between 1789 and 1945 : scientific reflection based on professional experience as a biographer of social institutions (thesis on work) - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Histoire du droit', defended on 25-10- 2018, under the supervision of Jean-Pierre LE CROM et  Yvon LE GALL
  • NONGOU-MOUNDOUNGA Olivia, Work and health in Gabon : what guarantees of protection for employees? - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 11-07-2018, under the supervision of  Augustin ÉMANE
  • De FREITAS Roberta, La coopération internationale pour la consolidation du droit à la santé : les stratégies de l’Union des nations sud-américaines - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 7-06-018, under the supervision of Sueli DALLARI & Éric MONDIELLI
  • KOUAMO Darly, Employees’ implication in the prevention and management of company’s difficulties in the OHADA system : case study of Cameroon - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 9-01-2018, under the supervision of  ÉMANE Augustin & MIENDJIEM Léopold Isidore


  • ORIZET Hélène, The French national education system as a public service under the Third Republic - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 7-11-2017, under the supervision of DUMONT Gilles & BIGOT Grégoire
  • TSANGA NDOMO Christelle, The effects of the decisions of the CEMAC court : contribution to the study of integrative justice inspired by the Community model - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 27-10-2017, under the supervision of GOURDIN LAMBLIN Anne-Sophie & OLINGA Alain Didier
  • BREZILLON Stéphane, From Asset penalty to criminal asset, Historical, penological and prospective essay - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 24-10-2017, under the supervision of DANET Jean
  • DAILA Bélibi Sébastien, Universalism of the right to education : its scope and limits - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 26-09-2017, under the supervision of FIALAIRE Jacques
  • MALANHOUA KOUASSI Aimé, Non-governemental organisations standing the test of the right of associations - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 7-09-2017, under the supervision of LONG Martine
  • BEYEME Christian, Les déchets en droit international de l'environnement au Cameroun - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 23-05-2017, under the supervision of ROMI Raphaël
  • GARNIER Sophie, Labour law and prevention - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 31-01-2017, under the supervision of HÉAS Franck


  • VRIGNAUD Muriel, Non-jurisdictional modes of regulation of the administrative contentious - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 14-12-2016, under the supervision of DUMONT Gilles & EVEILLARD Gweltaz
  • DELAMOTTE Julien, Le droit à la radioprotection des travailleurs : Essai sur l'existence d'un droit spécial de la santé et de la sécurité au travail - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 14-12-2016, under the supervision of HEAS Franck
  • KHALIL Roula, Entreprises multinationales et droits des travailleurs dans les pays d'implantation - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 23-11-2016, under the supervision of CHAUMETTE Patrick & KADIGE Georges
  • HMADI Msbah, Les changements  politiques et  constitutionnels en  Libye et leur impact  sur l'exercice de la  fonction législative  du pouvoir exécutif - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 21-10-2016, under the supervision of LONG Martine
  • DINU BAKOS Monica, L'équité en droit pénal substantiel - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 18-10-2016, under the supervision of ROUSSEAU François & PASCA Viorel
  • HU Lin, Le droit international des sols à vocation agricole à l'épreuve de la pratique étatique; comparaison entre la France, la Chine et les Etats-Unis
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit public', defended on 16-06-2016, under the supervision of BEURIER Jean-Pierre
  • KILANI Bassima, La diffamation : délit de presse et liberté d'expression. Étude comparée en droit français, syrien et égyptien - Abes Plug
    Doctoral thesis in 'Droit privé', defended on 7-01-2016, under the supervision of GRUNVALD Sylvie
Mis à jour le 31 mars 2023.