
Academic staff


Professor of law at Nantes Université Laboratory UMR CNRS 6297


UMR Droit et changement social Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 81307 44313 Nantes Cedex 3


Activités / CV

Rafael Encinas de Muñagorri is Professor at Nantes University since 2002. He is member of the research center Law and Social Change (Director 2015-2021). He has written books and articles on law and social sciences, theories and sources of law, expertise, international, european and comparative labour law. He is member of the editorial committee of the journal Droit & Société, and of others journals, Cahiers Droit Sciences & Technologies, Considérant - Revue du droit imaginé.

In addition to his academic work, Rafael E. de Muñagorri has served as Associate Scientific Director for the French Ministery of Research. He is also honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

He has been a visiting research scholar at the history of science Department of Harvard University. He has been invited and many universities of South America (Argentina, Brazil Columbia). He is member of international and national networks in theory of law and legal philosophy (IVR, RCSL, SFPJ) and in labour law (Labour Law Research Network, Cielo Laboral).


Agrégation droit privé et sciences criminelles, 1995
Doctorat en droit, 1994
D.E.A. Théorie générale et philosophie du droit, Paris X Nanterre, 1989
D.E.A. Droit social et droit syndical, Paris X Nanterre, 1989
D.E.U.G. Droit, Paris II, 1986


  • https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/rafael-encinas-de-munagorri
Mis à jour le 11 mars 2025.