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Table Ronde "Medical diagnosis and AI, French, American and Canadian perspectives and the ethical challenges"

  • Le 18 avril 2023
    Salle 358 (limité en places)
    Via Zoom (Lien sur le site de l'évènement sur inscription)
    false false
  • à partir de 14h30

On January 26, 2023, the French National Pilot Committee for Digital Ethics (Comité National Pilote de l’Ethique du numérique) and the French National Ethics Committee (Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique) issued an opinion on artificial intelligence and medical dignostic.

In this Opinion, the Ethics Committees question the ethical issues raised by the use of AI when a medical diagnosis is made and suggest ways to respond to them. Among the 16 recommendations and points of vigilance, the Ethics Committees propose some guidelines related to AI itself (certifications and compliance control), some respect of its objectives, the explainability of its processes, then, more broadly, the need to think or rethink Education, the obligation to develop human oversight, to respond to health disparities and therefore to think about AI funding, education, and the ways to work with institutions.

But what if we crossed the Atlantic? Would this question be perceived the same way in the United States and Canada? And considered through the same approaches? Do we have a similar definition of ethics? Do we identify the same types of issues? Do we draw the same consequences? Do we even operate in this way to identify ethical issues?

This roundtable will be a unique opportunity to debate around cross-perspectives on ways to mitigate ethical risks when making medical diagnosis.

Mis à jour le 27 octobre 2023.